2015年5月28日 星期四

Congratulations to Yumiko and Iwan !

Huge congratulations to Yumiko and Iwan on their grand, fairy tale like wedding held at Ritz Carlton Pacific Place. Bee's Diamonds was very honoured to be your bridal jewellery provider and part of your dream wedding team. Your gorgeous look and satisfied smile gave us much encouragements and pride with our work to make every bride as glamourous as she can be on their special day. We strive to add joy to every milestone and we wish you both wonderful and beautiful lives ahead with many blossoming good news to come! Heartiest congratulations to Yumiko and Iwan from the Bee's Diamonds high jewellery team.


2014年10月29日 星期三

投資鑽石有方法: 有便宜的鑽石嗎?

鑽石可說是貴族的象徵,一顆大小比衣服鈕還細的鑽石,價值可以超過一百萬,這並不是一般平民百姓能買的起的奢侈品。那麼昂貴的鑽石當中,有價錢較划算的嗎? 讓Bee’s Diamonds 教你選購超值的鑽石。


每一個顏色、淨度級數的跳升,價格上都會有一定升幅。比方說,一顆1克拉、顏色級別最高(D),淨度被評為I2 (有瑕疵)的鑽石,價值只有大約港幣2萬元。淨度跳升兩級SI2(微瑕疵),價值大約港幣6萬元。淨度為VS1(輕微瑕疵),價值大約港幣10萬。若淨度為IF(無瑕) ,價值大約港幣21萬元,價錢與淨度I2相差10倍之多。

想找淨度高,但價格不太高的鑽石,是有方法的。其實即使是同一鑽石淨度評級的鑽石,也有高低之分,我們可以選購淨度較低一級,但內含物較不顯眼的鑽石,價格就會較便宜。例如一顆SI1的鑽石,其內含物都分佈於旁邊,台面潔淨,它絕對比得上一顆VS2的鑽石,但價錢便宜5-25%。以一顆1卡D / SI1 和 D / VS2 為例,SI1 的比VS2的便宜了大約港幣2萬多元! 只要懂得挑選,便能節省大約2萬元,買到質素不錯的鑽石,還能用省下來的錢,跟心愛的人去浪漫地方甜蜜一番,實在多花心機在挑選上也是值得的。 Bee’s Diamonds 挑選的鑽石都以台面潔淨為準則,鑽石都是同一淨度評級之中,質素最高的5%,因此大家能在我們這裡放心選購優質而又划算的鑽石。

如果想了解更多有關如何選擇鑽石或戒指設計,請聯絡Bee’s Diamonds。本公司提供專業的鑽石咨詢服務,歡迎電郵或電話查詢。電郵:info@beesdiamonds.com 或電話 (852) 2180 7812.

投資鑽石有方法: 如何計算鑽石價格?



對鑽石有些少認識的您應該知道,每顆鑽石都是獨一無二,像人一樣,每顆都有不一同特徵。基本上,鑽石的價格是根據這些特徵來定的。第一:克拉-即鑽石的大小,愈大的鑽石愈稀有,其價值亦會愈高。第二: 顏色,鑽石有無色和彩色之分。被定為無色的鑽石之中,大部分都帶有一定程度的黃色,當然,愈接近無色,其價值便愈高。而帶有鮮豔彩色的鑽石,如粉紅、藍、黃、綠、橙和紅色彩鑽是更為罕有的鑽石,價值更加高。第三:淨度,天然鑽石多少會含有一些天然的瑕疵,例如礦物和天然的裂紋。這些內含物的數量、大小、本質決定了鑽石淨度的級數,愈接近無瑕,其價值便愈高。第四:形狀,除了較受亞洲人歡迎的圓形 (Round Brilliance cut) 外,鑽石的形狀還有梨形 (Pear cut) 、馬眼形 (Marquise cut) 、心形 (Heart cut) 、公主方形 (Princess cut) 橢圓形 (Oval) 等,圓形鑽石會比其他形狀貴,因為切割時的損耗較其他形狀大。另外,鑽石的切割比例也會影響其價值。

在這個鑽石行業裡,人們都會根據國際鑽石報價(Rapaport)來計算鑽石的價錢。現時鑽石報價表分為兩個,一個是用於圓形切工的鑽石,另一個則用於其他異形切工的鑽石。報價表顯示了不同卡數、顏色和淨度每卡鑽石的美金價錢。比方說,一顆1.30卡,D色,淨度IF的鑽石,我們先要查看當天1.00-1.49CT的表格,再查看D/IF的數字(: 275)。這表示這顆鑽石每卡價值USD27,500,而整顆鑽石的價值為USD27,500 X 1.30=USD35,750。香港鑽石業均以USD1=HKD7.8來計算鑽石價格,因此這顆鑽石的價錢是 35,750 X 7.8=HKD278,850。除此之外,每顆鑽石的價格可能因為其內含物分佈的地方和範圍、切工或是大小的罕有度等等而有不同的折扣或增幅。

如果想了解更多有關如何選擇鑽石或戒指設計,請聯絡Bee’s Diamonds。本公司提供專業的鑽石咨詢服務,歡迎電郵或電話詢。電郵:info@beesdiamonds.com 或電話 (852) 2180 7812. 

2014年9月28日 星期日

SCMP Enterprising Hong Kong Awards 2014 - Best Customer Service Award

Bee’s Diamonds is extremely happy and honoured to be awarded the SCMP Enterprising Hong Kong Awards 2014 - Best Customer Service Award. We are also the only luxury products brand and jeweller among all finalists. It is a great milestone to achieve such success for the Bee’s Diamonds’ service and administrative teams. Without your generous vote and your support over the years, we would not have won this glory. Thank you for your vote and your trust in Bee’s Diamonds.

The award is an encouragement to all of our staff and a great motivation to perfect our service. We promise to do even better in the future and will keep on providing supreme service that cannot be found elsewhere, while adding joy to your every milestone.

Once again, thank you for your support to Bee’s Diamonds.

Bee’s Diamonds非常高興和榮幸地可以獲得南華早報頒發的香港中小企業卓越營商大獎2014 - 最佳客戶服務獎。 我們亦是決賽中唯一的奢侈品品牌,鑽石供應商和珠寶商。Bee’s Diamonds 的服務以及行政團隊取得這個佳積是個重大的里程碑。如果沒有你的慷慨投票,和多年來的支持,我們不會獲得這樣的榮耀。 我們十分感謝您的投票和您對我們的信任。


再次感謝您對Bee’s Diamonds的支持。

2014年9月17日 星期三

投資鑽石有方法: 高品質淨度的鑽石有較高回報?

鑽石, 除了是男士用來表達對愛侶一生一世的承諾外, 愈來愈多人將其當作是人生中長期穩定投資的首選。有分析估計,鑽石以後不但會買少見少,保守的講,鑽石價值更會每年最少漲百分之五至十五。如此說來, 鑽石的確是一種有穩定回報的投資, 但是在芸芸不同的的鑽石中, 應怎樣挑選一顆符合預算且投資回報最高的呢? 

有人說, 投資鑽石愈大顆愈好, 但事實上並不是僅僅如此。一顆細小但擁有高淨度的鑽石往往較相對大顆但淨度低的鑽石回報高。 

鑽石的淨度(Clarity)是以內含物的多少和大小來分等級。淨度等級從全美(Flawless) 到有瑕疵(Included)。鑽石瑕疵包括「內含物」(inclusion)及「表面瑕疵」(blemish)。 內含物是鑽石內部的瑕疵, 通常十分細小, 需要用十倍顯微鏡才能看到, 而這些內含物可能有不同的形狀, 例如是雲霧, 水晶或羽毛。這種天然瑕疵正正給予鑽石一個獨特的指紋。表面瑕疵則是鑽石外部的瑕疵, 通常源於切磨的過程或護理不當。

事實上, 鑽石的內含物和表面瑕疵都十分微細。雖然如此, 但是其品質和價值卻相差極大, 大大影響投資的回報。當你購買鑽石作投資用途時, 建議您在鑽石大小和淨度中取得平衡。即使你買鑽石的目的不是投資, 你其實也需要考慮鑽石將來的價值, 因為這可能會是你家庭中第一份資產, 又或者是一份傳給子孫寶貴的禮物。

除此之外,鑽石的價值亦同時受其純度影響。鑽石的純度是指鑽石內含物的其中位置,大小,性質,及其對鑽石整體耐用性的影響。若比較兩顆4C(Carat, Color, Clarity, Cut)完全一樣的鑽石, 其投資回報可能會因為兩者的純度不同而相差:

從圖中可見, 左邊的鑽石其內含物處於旁邊或不明顯位置 純度明顯比右邊的鑽石高, 因此投資回報亦相對較高。在Bee's Diamonds, 我們的寶石學家會為每位客人提供每顆鑽石的所有特徵,使客人可以在預算範圍內選出投資回報最高的鑽石。

如果想了解更多有關如何選擇鑽石或戒指設計,可以參考我們的鑽石投資文章,或直接請聯絡Bee’s Diamonds。本公司提供專業的鑽石咨詢服務,歡迎電郵或電話查詢。
電郵:info@beesdiamonds.com 或電話 (852) 2180 7812.

Stephanie Lui
 Trainee Diamond Associate

2014年7月29日 星期二

Is 4 prongs or 6 prongs ring safer?

Prong setting is the most popular kind of Engagement Ring amongst all ring or jewellery styles. As the diamond can be most revealed through prong setting, light can enter the diamond from all angles, thereby maximizing its optical effect, light reflection and colour scintillation. In particular, 4 prongs and 6 prongs ring settings are most popular. They do not only secure the diamond snuggly, but they also enhance the beauty of a diamond’ symmetry.

When you have to make a choice between 4 prongs or 6 prongs, what should be your decision? Would more prongs to a ring be better and more secure?
The first decision determinant should be, the size of a diamond, also known as the weight (or carats) of a diamond. If the weight of diamond is more than 2.50 carats, Bee’s Diamonds suggest to choose a 6 prongs ring mount that can securely hold up the center diamond. Diamonds that weigh more than 2.5 carats is comparatively larger than the size of a typical ring, which render a larger space in between the prongs. And so, the larger the diamond and the space in between the prongs, the chance of a diamond being stroke by sharp object at simultaneous angles is higher. In other words, having 6 prongs ring mount for a large diamond would diminish the space in between each prong, providing more security for knocking off.
For diamonds that weigh lesser, 4 prongs ring mount setting is simple and elegant. You can see the diamond very clearly from top down. Not only that, you can also see a diamond’s pavilion through the spaces in between the prongs. Of course, if you want the diamond to be securely mounted, 6 prongs ring mount is also absolutely applicable, keeping in mind that too many prongs would block  light rays, and sharpness of a diamond will decrease.

The second consideration will be the kind of metal to use on your ring. The metals commonly used for making rings and jewellery are 18 Karat Gold (marked as 750), and Platinum, also known asPT950. 18K Gold is an alloy of 75 percent pure gold and 25 percent precious metals, e.g. silver, nickel and palladium. With 18 K Gold, you can utilize either 4 prongs or 6 prongs ring mounts for your mount as 18 K gold is a strong and hard metal that can sustain many years of wear and tear. In contrast, platinum PT950, which is an alloy of 95% pure platinum and 5% precious metals, is a metal with higher ductility, which means the metal is “softer” and it can change shape easily. The diamonds may lose contact with the prongs after receiving small impact. In other words, the prongs to a ring can bent easily.  If you need to choose PT950, please choose a ring mount with more prongs, or request to have the prongs be made into thicker prongs, so to increase protection to the diamond.

Diamond is the world’s hardest substance. However, ring mounts are not as strong as diamonds. Regardless of 18K Gold or PT950, they age over time. The prongs will be weakened through regular usage, and the prongs can easily become loose. It is imperative to have regular checks on your diamonds ring with your jewellery shop.

Want to know which metal should be chosen for wedding band? 18K Gold or Platinum PT950? Stay tuned for other future blog posts. For more information, please visit our website at www.beesdiamonds.com

2014年7月21日 星期一

Vote for us at the SCMP Enterprising Hong Kong Awards - Customer Service Category

Bee's Diamonds is honoured to be your jeweller for your diamond engagement ring, bridal jewellery, celebration and victory jewellery pieces. If you have been satisfied or touched by our personalized service over the years, please vote for us at the SCMP Enterprising Hong Kong Awards - Customer Service Category. Simply click on the link below and vote for BEE'S DIAMONDS. 
Thank you for choosing and supporting Bee's Diamonds. We appreciate every vote to make our work meaningful and accountable. 
Please vote for Bee's Diamonds at: